Polkadot Business Development Bounty

This Bounty aims on rewarding people or organizations which have successfully onboarded new customers to Polkadot. It is meant to incentivise community members to spend more effort into business development, even if that is not their daytime job or if their project does not benefit directly from an opportunity. The Bounty shall recognize great business development work, which benefits the ecosystem and shall reward the ones who closed the deal or LOI retroactively. Think of it as a bonus system for successful sales activities.

The Bounty can also reimburse actual business development expenses (like travel expenses) for individuals, when there is a good opportunity which requires travel and the individual business developer has no other way to pay these expenses. Please contact the Bounty on the channel if this is required. 

Which type of business development is relevant for the bounty?

What will be considered as a relevant outcome of business development?

What will not be rewarded?

How much do I get?

How do I apply?